How we use your data internally
We for the following purposes:
collect and use your identifiable dataSHARE
How we share your data externally with other companies or entities
share your identifiable dataWe
(note that remaining
data may not be anonymous)
Who we sell your data to
We DO NOT sell your identifiable data
We DO NOT sell your data AFTER removing identifiers (note that remaining data may not be anonymous)
How we store your data
How we encrypt your data
How this technology accesses other data
This technology or app does request access to other device data or applications, such as your phone's camera, photos, or contacts. Only with your permission, it connects to:
Health Monitoring Devices
Here is how you can check your settings, including permissions set as a default.
Use your device's App settings to change the My Lotus WellBeing permissions to other services on your
This technology or app does
allow you to share the collected data with your social media accounts, like Facebook .USER OPTIONS
What you can do with the data that we collect
Access your data
Edit your data
Delete your data
You can access and edit your data using selections available within the My Lotus WellBeing app.
You can delete your data by removing the My Lotus WellBeing app from your device.
What happens to your data when your account is deactivated
When your account is deactivated/terminated by you or the company, your data are deleted Immediately
How we will notify you if our privacy policy changes
Our Privacy Policy is always up to date and directly available from the app.
How we will notify you and protect your data in case of an improper disclosure
This is not applicable to My Lotus WellBeing as data is only stored locally on the user's device and not on an external server (cloud-based or otherwise).
Mountain Lotus Wellbeing, LLC
Windsor, CO USA
Full Privacy Policy:
Contact Form:
Here is how you can check your settings.